Saturday, December 6, 2014

December 23rd, 2013

Dear Gentlemen,
I hope that you are all doing well today, and this letter finds you all in good health. I believe that this break has really allowed us to get a good rest after the tremendous amount of effort we put towards our first semester of college, but I also believe that by the end of this break my life will have changed forever. I still remember the quote from Turner's driver on November 21st "Don't act like successful person, be a successful person." That stuck with me for 2 reasons. The first was it helped me reevaluate what I was doing in life. Yeah we sent out drivers and hustled in school, but we were all talking big but doing not much. I understood that if I wanted to be successful I had to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk. Second it drove me. I decided on that day that I I decided on that day that I MUST become something, not later, not when I graduated, but NOW. That is why this break has truly been a blessing for me. I have not had a single night with 8 hours of sleep since the day Jonathan, Chris, Ethan, and I talked at Ethan's house. I am not saying that to brag, I am saying that because you guys need to know that you have lit a spark or started something in me that is not stoppable. I no longer can quench the thirst I have for knowledge, satisfy my hunger to succeed, I will not stop till I make it. I have set up my undergraduate course of study and attached if tor you guys to see. I have reedited my goals for the next year and attached that as well. I revised the prologue and a couple sections of my book (I attached the prologue and half of a chapter), and I will continue to strive for success. You see, we can say a lot of great words and motivate each other till Kingdom Come, but I decided that I have had enough of planning and waiting. 2013 was a good year, but 2014 will be great. By the end of 2014 I want to have accomplished greatness, no excuses.
Inspiration: Today I was reading about the growing phenomenon of the bitcoin. I recalled Chris talking to me about this earlier during break, and after reading an article on it I did extensive research into this new crypto-currency. I still have not fully grasped the entire concept of this enterprise, however what I have learned is simply astonishing. Basically, Satoshi Nakamoto, a name used to veil the true identity of the person(s), developed software for an online currency. This currency started out nearly valueless, but has grown to nearly worth $1,500 per bitcoin. This currency is no longer controlled by Nakamoto who open-sourced the entire project to the public. Essentially this means that bitcoin is a currency owned by the people for the people. 
Currency is generated by solving complex math problems which increase in difficulty as the volume of bitcoins in circulation increases. Confusing...I know, but what is inspiring is that one anonymous individual or group of individuals developed a self sustaining self regulating online currency that could one day replace the governmental currency we use today. Nakamoto simply had a vision that was executed and could have world wide implications. Though I do not fully grasp the entire concept behind this new technology I have no doubt that I will continue to do further research it. I believe that bitcoin is not just a fad, and that those who invest or look into it now will see prosperity in the future. Gentlemen, look at this as inspiration for positive change in the world. We may never know the true identity of Nakamoto, but no one can deny that he/she/they may have greatly changed the course of history forever. Let us strive to make positive earth shaking advancements in our respective fields, not for our own personally glory, but for the advancement of society as a whole and for the prosperity of future humans.
Also, I want to add that I have been really inspired by two events since my last driver. The first would be the Woodbury High School League Chapter. Throughout our disagreement on how to handle them, Ethan and I fought over two ideas. The first point was that we did not have precedence when setting up our league chapter, and because of that fact, we were not obligated to ensure the success of the current high school chapter...if they were not driven they were not League level. The second conflicting point was that even though we did not have precedence in setting up a league chapter, we did have mentors and upperclassmen who mentored us as we grew. So even if we did not mentor our league chapter as "League Overseers" we still had a duty as friends to look out for them. However, the "Little League" has shown in the past month that they have a desire and independent streak of their own. They managed to band together, despite our passive leadership, and collect 200 lbs. of clothes to donate as part of their clothing drive. I just want you guys to remember that is what we are working for. Those guys look up to us, they want to be like us. They admire us. So when school is hitting you left and right and you don't think you can take it anymore, stop crying for yourself and study for those who are relying on you. Work hard for those who are not given your opportunities in life. Strive because you cannot bear to fail and let your fans down. At this point in our lives we have to realize that it is more than about us now. Forget making your family proud, if you are League level you owe personal ambition to the swore on that. You owe your best to the swore on that. You must make sure you give everything you've got and then some because if there is even a doubt in your mind that you have somehow cheated those who admire you by taking a break you have failed them. We always say we want to change the world and do big things right? Well it starts by setting a positive example for our not let them down. The second thing that has inspired me this break has been the drive I have seen in each of you guys I have spent extensive time with. I can tell by the sound of your guy's drivers that each of you is doing work towards enacting change, but I have spent a lot of time with Ethan, Chris, and John these past few days and this experience has been life changing. They say being surrounded by people who are successful helps motivate you for success and I believe that is true, however I have never been around these guys like this before. Each of them has reached a new level of ambition I have never seen in them before. Primarily, I remember in high school (Chris John and Ethan will tell you themselves) they saw no point to working extremely hard academically. However now John is taking GRADUATE level Spanish classes while Ethan and Chris are talking about graduating summa cum laude (with the highest possible honors). Chris is steady learning French and he somehow learned to play the piano...very well!! Ethan is spitting off Italian in such a way you wouldn't believe he'd been studying it for no more than a year. John and Ethan are actually consistently working out!!! I can't tell you how crazy this is to me. Chris and Ethan are talking about writing books, John's talking about Interning Abroad. Ethan's set on going to Italy this Summer, Chris to Britain next Winter!! Just being around this has pushed me to working at max capacity. That is why I have been neglecting sleep, that is why I have been studying ahead for classes this spring. I know that we are unique but unique means nothing if we have nothing to show for it. We must continue to work hard to achieve our goals and aspirations because if we can complete our undergraduate careers how we currently intend to...nothing in this world can stop the League of Gentlemen.
Encouragement: One of my favorite quote of all time comes from the Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. He said: “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross; there lies your vocation.”What does this mean? Well, the world is always changing, people are always growing, and as time progresses the needs of the world will adapt accordingly. There is a desperate need for people with proficiency in coding in the modern world. Contritely, I don't believe that Ancient Egypt was concerned with HTML, CSS, or Phyton coders. This just goes to show that at any period in time there are certain needs in the world that need to be met. Socrates understood that, but he even took it a step further by explicitly calling on peoples talents. At this moment I want you guys to reflect for about a minute or two...actually do this...and think about what your talents are (think of your five major ones). When you believe you have them written down make sure they are talents and not sentences about yourself, this is not asking for a biography it is asking about what particularly skills you are good at or what areas you excel in...Do you have those now? Okay good, now I would like you to list the 10 biggest problems you see in the modern world now, and in the next 30-40 years (e.g. the Environment, or depletion of fossil fuels). Make sure you put serious thought into these... Now, I did the same task and I uploaded my document. Open it now it is called "My Task". You will probably see serious differences in our talent section, however a few of our problems should overlap. I asked you guys to do this for a reason. Not so you could brag about yourselves and then look sadly over the problems you anticipate in the future. I would like you to now think about how you or your fellow gentlemen could help combat these problems you see fast approaching. Refer to my skills, your own, and those you know that other League members posses. We must remember that we have been given unique talents, and put in the special position we are in today. As I told Chris yesterday, we are not better than anybody, we are not special, we simply are thinking ahead of many of our peers. Because of this, someday we may be looked at as leaders in society, or tasked to remedy the concerns of the future. This is why I brought up the quote. As Socrates said, “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross; there lies your vocation.” So gentlemen, though the future may in fact be years away, begin to think now in the present what solutions may be enacted to solve the problems that may present themselves. Because, if you truly want to serve the world in the future as a leader, you must be ready for the tasks you will be expected to oversee.
Testimonial: I do not have much to say that has not already been said in this driver. I am ready for 2014 to arrive, I have nearly completed my Winter Break checklist to prepare myself for the coming year, I have taken the necessary steps to ensure I will begin the next term successfully, and I plan to do nothing but grind at my max level this coming year. I do anticipate there will be hardships, but I will get through them. With that said, I will complete my goals for 2014, without a doubt. At this point I would like for you guys to read my revised goals for 2014...they are probably a better testimonial to how I feel right now. Also, if you have time, I would appreciate if you guys would read the prologue and first piece of my book and send me comments (or criticisms) on it. Lastly, I have included a copy of my undergraduate course of study plan for you guys to see (especially Chris since he requested I send it to him). It is basically a detailed account of all the courses I plan to take, and everything I plan to do in the next 5 years at the University of Pittsburgh. In conclusion...I am ready to get this new year started.
Furthermore: I would like to thank each of you guys for the drive you have instilled in me and the change you have helped bring about in my life. I owe each of you guys a tremendous amount of credit for where I am today, and for whatever I do in fact accomplish in 2014. Without these drivers...2013 would have had an entirely different end to the year, but I am grateful that I have a solid team to support me as I grow. Likewise, I am here for all of you guys whenever you need me, and I am hoping and praying that each of you guys will also succeed and do amazing things in 2014. No more planning and waiting, we must seize the times and achieve all that we have been talking about. Now is the time to act, now is the time to make moves, now is the time for the League of Gentlemen to emerge on a global scale...whose with me? Remember, greatness is not an accident, it is the habit formed from repeated success.
Let's welcome in the new age,
Chukwuemeka K. Ukaga

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